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If you are looking for an administered Nextcloud Hub service (or, in other words, Nextcloud-Hub-as-a-Service), we invite you to continue reading this page in which we outline all the features of our own offering, NC-Service.

What is NC-Service?

NC-Service is a service that allows you to take advantage of the full functionality of Nextcloud Hub in an environment hosted on RCA Systems' servers.

This service is optimised for small groups of people who need an advanced collaboration tool to complete their projects. By ‘small groups of people’ we are thinking of private individuals, freelancers, families, associations and small or medium-sized enterprises, across a broad spectrum of business sectors.

Several years in direct contact with entities that use Nextcloud Hub as a core day-to-day application, as well as an in-depth knowledge of the systems engineering required for its proper functioning, support and guide us in the management of this managed service.

By contracting an NC-Service instance, you will have access to a dedicated instance (i.e. with dedicated resources and for the exclusive use of your organisation or group of people) with a domain name of your choice (e.g., or provided by RCA Systems) and with a level of autonomy in the management of the application that can be total and/or partial, i.e. delegated to RCA Systems.

From day one you will have access to an instance in an optimal state of operation, which, in addition to the basic functionalities of the platform, is enriched with some features that are difficult to find on the market and/or difficult to deploy in a self-hosting context:


Thanks to integration with Nextcloud Talk's High Performance backend.

  • Conduct video conferences with any number of participants, who can share audio, video and screen.
  • Conduct webinars, trainings and virtual workshops with any number of guests, using a range of advanced moderation and participant sub-group organisation features.
  • Record video calls, whether between colleagues, trainings or webinars. Integration with the registration system provides for recording file autoloading to the account who requested the registration, thus simplifying later editing, archiving and sharing logics.
Search for a word or expression in text documents (PDF, odt, ods, docx, xlsx ...) that are indexed instantly upon loading. This functionality is possible thanks to the integration with the ElasticSearch indexing engine.
Receive server event notifications in the browser and desktop client in real time, without waiting for the next polling event. This technique, based on the Notify Push plugin (also known as Files High Performance Backend) relieves the server load and offers the end user a smoother collaboration experience.

As far as the management of your environment is concerned, we provide you with some tools and functionalities that are extremely useful for improving the operation of the service:


Connect from the ssh command line to your environment to make certain checks and/or changes that are not possible from the GUI.

Visualise the behaviour of your NC-Service instance on a monitoring dashboard that historicises and graphically displays the most relevant application metrics. Analysing these metrics gives you a good understanding of how the service is being used, and thus enables you to assess its performance and design evolution strategies. Examples of such metrics are the number of files in your instance, the number of shares (counted by type) and the number of active users.

Backup and Security

The status of your NC-Service instance (i.e. code, documents and metadata) will be saved in a remote system operated by RCA Systems on a daily basis and you will be able to recover individual files and folders or perform a global restore in the event of a general data loss event.

The security of your NC-Service instance is also at the top of our priorities: on the hardware side, all systems involved in the service are housed in professional data centres and protected from unauthorised physical access. They also offer redundant connectivity and power supply to minimise the risk of service interruption. We also guarantee that all systems involved in the service are located in Europe and are operated exclusively by qualified RCA Systems personnel.

On the software side, on the other hand, the commitment is to adhere to the most stringent security standards, and to continuously update the systems. The NC-Service instance, however, can be further protected, at the customer's initiative, thanks to various techniques available and easily configurable in the application, e.g. double-factor authentication, protection against Brute Force attacks, definition of a minimum password complexity and end-to-end encryption.


Last but not least, and of particular importance for the success of the initiative, is the coaching during the first deployment phases of the application by RCA Systems, if the customer so requests. In the first few weeks we will be available to answer your questions and to understand how we can best adapt the  instance to your needs, e.g. by suggesting some migration techniques or looking for the right plugin for a given business case.


Have a look at our packs and contact us without obligation in case you are interested. We have also prepared a set of answers to frequently asked questions, which you will find below.

NC-Service Basic

Dedicated instance with your domain or subdomain of

30GB / user + 100GB group folders

Scalable Videoconferencing with Nextcloud Talk

Collaborative Editing with Nextcloud Office

Groupware (Mail, Calendar, Groupware, Deck)

Consulting (1 hour)

2 months free trial

Price from: 5€ / user / month

-20% until end of November 2024

Contact us

NC-Service Full

Dedicated instance with your domain or subdomain of

50GB / user + 200GB group folders

Scalable Videoconferencing with Nextcloud Talk & Recording

Collaborative Editing with Nextcloud Office

Groupware: (Mail, Calendar, Groupware, Deck)

Consulting (3 hours)

2 months free trial

Price from: 8€ / user / month

-20% until end of November 2024

Contact us


Frequently Asked Questions