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The training is designed for all those organizations or teams that are beginning to use Nextcloud Hub as their collaboration platform.

It is targeted at the end user and does not require any previous technical or functional knowledge of the platform.

The goal of the training is to provide the participant with the following skills:

  • Explain what Nextcloud Hub is, compare it with alternatives and be aware of its functionalities.
  • Localize and modify the personal settings that directly impact the user experience, like security, app passwords, document templates and user manual.
  • Upload, download and edit collaboratively documents stored in the platform, with different tools and of different types.
  • Use the desktop client and the mobile app to access and synchronize their files.
  • Create a 1-to-1, group and public Talk. Tune it for the purpose, use it as a core communication channel with other users, being them internal or external to the organization.
  • Manage contacts and calendars in the web app or from mobile or desktop clients relying on the CalDAV and CardDAV protocols.
  • Use Mail as their main webmail client.
  • Manage their personal and team tasks in Deck.

Training can be on-site or remote and a demo instance will be provided in which the users will be able to test and try for an enhanced learning experience.